Ch Sanderling Love Never Fails MH WCX
Ch Bolingbroke Waterwyn’s Sequel AX OAJ WC HOF ex Ch Folly’s Grace Abounds CD JH WC
Bred by Candy Ferner & Sarah Messick

Constance was our special girl, our first home bred champion, and our first Master Hunter. We told her all the time that if we’d known how hard it would be to find another like her we would have appreciated her more! Constance lived to be twelve years old.
She was very balanced, had a gorgeous coat, and a wonderful temperament. She finished her championship breeder owner handled with three majors including the GWFCRC Spring supported show under respected judge Michael Faulkner.
But Constance was not just a pretty face. She was a confident worker in the field, she marked well, showed good memory and handled beautifully. She iwas especially strong in the water.
At the 2004 Specialty Constance won the Field Trial Bitch class, JAMed in the Steady Singles Championship and passed a difficult WCX test.
At the 2006 Specialty she placed second in the Field Trial Bitch class, JAMed in the Field trial and the
Singles Championship and passed the Master Hunter test.